Being a mummy with limited time means I have even less time to sort out my mane, I have to admit I am quite lazy when it comes to my hair so I like to use products that are quick, easy and effective to use. Today I thought I'd share with you a few essential tools I use to create a faux curly blow dry, I don't have time to go have my hair blow-dried in the salon like I used to so I have found a few tools that help me create that blow-dry bouncy look in no time!

Brushing my hair is something that happens twice a week when I wash my hair so as you can imagine my locks can get a little tangled, my hair type is quite thick, wavy and very knotty so this is where the Wet Brush, £4.99 comes in a treat. If you use a Tangle Teezer and love that then you need this brush because this is even easier yo use and doesn't tug or pull at the hair at all. When I first used this brush I was shocked at how smoothly it tamed my hair, each brush stroke detangled instantly and there was no need to pull on my tender head. Huge thumbs up from me!

Hair prepped it's time to dry, I usually just blast dry and use a paddle brush when I want to straighten my hair so this is all I do. No fancy business with big round brushes or rollers, once dry I section my hair into three sections and straighten with my Cloud nine straighteners and we are pretty much done. Wait, aren't we trying to achieve a big bouncy blow-dry? Well yes we are but here comes the faux part, I grab my Babyliss Pro Ceramic Dial-a-Heat Tong, £23.99 and get to work! I have the 32mm width tong because I want to create big curls that look super natural and of course bouncy. I grab 1-2 inch sections and curl away clamping the ends of my hair and twisting the tong up, I leave it for a few seconds and unravel a gorgeous wave. Once I have completed each section I run my fingers through my hair and roughen it all up, this stops the look looking to 'perfect' and gives that full natural effect that I love. Final step is to finish with a shine spray and I have been loving the Sebastian Professional Shine Shaker, £16.99, this shine spray is lightweight and crisp free it instantly adds that mirror shine finish, it also protects from heat so is the perfect spray to use throughout your styling session.
I hope you enjoyed reading how I create a fab faux blow-dry, I'd love to know how you create this look and if you have any tips!

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