Detox makes us think of extreme regimes, juices cleanses and fasting but it doesn’t have to be that way for your skin and hair.
Living in the world right now where we’re encouraged to stay away from our friends and families and be at home as much as possible, it’s the perfect time to give your skin and hair a break. Constant application of makeup, walking round in polluted atmospheres and heat application has negative effects on our skin and hair. So, take this opportunity to have a break and reset!
Detoxing your skin allows you to remove all the impurities, toxins and pollutions from the surface and reveal fresh and revitalised skin cells. Dead skin cells leave your complexion looking dull, textured and just a little bit sad. Exfoliating regularly removes these cells from the surface to reveal brighter, more youthful skin.
Start with an at-home facial
Give yourself a pamper from the comfort of your own home! Dig out that cleansing brush you’ve had for ages but rarely use and give your skin a really good cleansing. Make sure you include a facial massage at the end to get the blood circulating effectively!
Cleanse twice a day
A skin detox requires cleansing morning and night, but you don’t necessarily have to use the same product for both. If you have dryer skin try using an oil based cleanser in the morning like Gatineau Transforming Cleansing Cream and then a mousse cleanser in the evening like Decleor Neroli Bigarade Cleansing Mousse. If you have oily skin try using a foaming cleanser to remove any surface sebum like the Clarins Gentle Foaming Cleanser.
Multi masking!
Staying at home all day is the perfect excuse to pop a face mask on and get on with any jobs on your to do list. Regularly using face masks allows your skin to truly absorb the potent skincare ingredients and helps them penetrate deep into the layers of the skin. We often think we don’t have enough time to sit down and put a face mask on for 20 minutes so now is the perfect opportunity! Make sure you choose one that tackles your skincare concerns whether that be ageing, acne or pigmentation.
Take makeup breaks
I’m sure this is something a lot of us will be doing when spending more time at home. No point wasting expensive makeup is there! Your skin is definitely going to thank you for a few weeks’ makeup free. It allows the skin to breathe, reset back to its natural rhythm and stay fresh. Makeup often clogs up the pores when it isn’t properly removed so just giving yourself a couple of weeks makeup free will really help the skin to detox.
Staying hydrated is always number one for keeping your skin in the best condition possible. Drinking lots of water eliminates toxins from the body and very few people drink as much water as they’re supposed to. With spending more time at home, try to focus on giving yourself targets e.g. two glass by 10am. Then you’re just setting your skin up to function as well as it can do and glow!
So, your hair could benefit hugely from a little detoxing! We put our hair through a lot on a regular basis with our normal routines of washing, drying and styling which can leave hair dry and damage.
Wash Less
If you’ve always thought about trying to wash your hair less but never got around to it with too many social occasions in the calendar, well now’s the time to give it a go! Washing your hair less allows the oils and minerals to stimulate the hair follicles properly and get into its own self-cleaning routine. We’re not saying to stop washing your hair completely but try cutting it down to twice a week to start with and see how you get on.
Have a break from heat styling
Heat is the number one thing that causes your hair damage. Constantly blow drying, straightening, curling and styling hair put stress on your locks and causes them to dry out, which then leads to weak and brittle hair. Staying at home means you don’t need to constantly be washing and styling your hair so just leave it to do its thing! It will thank you massively for it after a few weeks…
Give it some love
Apply a hair mask once a week to give your hair a boost of nutrients and minerals. A deeply nourishing mask will help restore moisture and deeply penetrate the hair follicles. We love the Macadamia Ultra Rich Moisture Mask.
Thank you for reading, we hope you’ve enjoyed this post! Come and take a look at the incredible fragrance and beauty brands we stock!

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